Aion Classic Europe

Rates: 1x Exp Rate 1x Kinah Rate 1x Drop Rate 1x Quest Rate 1x Group Rate 1x Abyss Points Rate New character will receive: Full blue item set + weapon 250 Greater Running Scroll 250 Greater Courage Scroll 250 Greater Awakening Scroll 1kk Kinah 3x Amulet 100% x 1h

Host Country
Game Versions
Game Types

Aion Classic Europe CBT is here. We do not have an exact date when we will officially release it. There are thinks that must be fixed.

We are looking for tester for a new Server, that is old-school classic 2.5 version. Location: Romania Resources: 16GB RAM 4CPU 3.2 1000MB bandwidth Classic rates: 1x Exp Rate 1x Kinah Rate 1x Drop Rate 1x Quest Rate 1x Group Rate 1x Abyss Points Rate Everyone who contribute will be rewarded at the Official launchPlayers that are interested, please acces: