LMS Forsaken World - Blood Harvest

Brand-new Forsaken World Blood Harvest classic-rate server is open with only a few quality of life changes to recreate an experience similar to the retail servers during their prime. Leafs for Voting/online. Stable LMS Gaming Community since 2008. Come join the fun!

Game Versions
Game Types
New LMS Forsaken World Dysil's Wrath Private Server Our Rates are: 10x Quest experience rewards 10x Quest money rewards 10x Quest Spirit. PvP from level 50. Weekly change of PvP/PvE mode on realms 2,3,4,5. All Instance Working, Free Mount, Latest + custom content Leaves for voting, Leaves for being online Easy and fun to play Since 2008 LMS Network provides our players best experience on highest level. Our Professional Staff is always happy to assist players. Join our great community now http://fw.lmspw.com