[L2OFF] Dark Path Network

L2Dark Path Network sucessfully runing online on Beta Phase Mode

Game Versions
Game Types
* Platform: Interlude PTS . * XP Rate : 75 * SP Rate : 50 * Adena Rate : 150 * Working Demonic Weapons Zariche and Akamanah, with the possibility of issuing a few skills to master. * Fully working clan system Interlude * Work fishing and Manor, in accordance with the off-server. * Clan Hall's , Castle Sieges. * Fully working duels and battles parties. * Working Augmentation system. * Fully retail like skills. * Auto learning skills. * Fully working quests. (and interesting custom quests in future) * No deleveling bug. * Bugless Geodata. * Active staff. * Daily Events. Custom Information : * Custom DDOS protection system ( hardware ) * Every new created character will have best No Grade gear + 500k adena. * GM Weapon + Armor Shop with D/C/B/A * Custom farmzone for s grades not decided yet * Catacombs and Necropolis are disabled , 7 Signs is removed. * Custom NPC Buffer * Class changer for 1st / 2nd and 3rd class. * Custom Gatekeeper with all locations needed. * Custom Misc Shop with everything you need. * Custom Toogle skill to avoid bad buffs. * Most of the teleport spawn are safe. * Pet buff duration is retail-like. * Main town : Giran Castle Town. * Buff duration is ( will make pool@forum) Enchant Information : * Safe Enchant : +3. * Max Enchant : +16. * Max Enchant Armor: +8 * Rates : * From +3 to +7 - 45% for fighter weapons. * From +3 to +7 - 40 % for mage weapons. * From +7 above - 35 % for fighter weapons. * From +7 above - 30 % for mage weapons. * From +3 to +4 - 55 % for armor and jewls. * From +4 to +5 - 45 % for armor and jewls. * From +5 to +6 - 35 % for armor and jewls. * From +6 above - 25 % for armor and jewls. * Blessed Scroll Rate : 65%. Website: www.l2dpn.eu Forum: www.l2dpn.eu/forum Server: STATUS - UnderConstruction For More Informations Stay on this topic we will Inform you Everyday with new Updates etc, Best Regards Our Team! HOPE TO SEE YOU :)