War of Elements
Exp / SP= 70x PartyXp = 1.5 Adena = 80x Drop = 20x Spoil = 25x Quest = 10x Manor = 1x Rb drop = 10x Grandboss drop = 1x NPC GM Shop - N grade to B grade - A/S grade is craftable - Mats / Recipes shop NPC Buffer + VIP Buffer Scheme buffer - Bufftime 2 Hr pet buffs 5mins
Exp / SP= 70x
PartyXp = 1.5
Adena = 80x
Drop = 20x
Spoil = 25x
Quest = 10x
Manor = 1x
Rb drop = 10x
Grandboss drop = 1x
- N grade to B grade
- (A/S grade is craftable)
- Mats / Recipes shop
NPC Buffer + VIP Buffer
Scheme buffer
- Bufftime 2 Hr (pet buffs 5mins) (4 Hours VIP buffs)
- 20+4 Buffslots
- autolearn (not divine inspiration)
- spellbooks drop - deleted
NPC Delevel (blocks skills that are not propriete for current level)
NPC Password Changer
NPC Wedding manager
NPC Nickname+title color manager
NPC Auction Item Manager
NPC Clan reputation manager
NPC CastleManager - all castles registrations in one
NPC Knowledge Master - give exp boost buff for chars until 40 lvl
Olympiad challenge system - looser gets Vote rewards + recommends, horoes can buy donate coins
Special Doubled Bot protection (more info on Forum)
Automatic Events - CFG, TVT, DM, Quiz + Gm events (rullete, dice championship...)
Special NOTrade zones - noone is able to trade near GK
Special Unique AI RB
Special Community Board
Champions system
Buffsell system
Weight limit Increased*
3 Transformation items - just to look different (out of oly, pvp...protected)
Subclass - Custom Quest (hit 3 Rbs - under 20% of life - with quest dagger)
Nobless - Caradine letter lvl 65 (adena + MSS) - you have to kill the barakiel
Safe +3 (fullparts +4)
Max +16
Chance normal 55%
Chance blessed 60%
- Zero hour reward 2x (no prequest needed)
- Toi Quest rates - increased drop
- Giants Cave quest - increased drop
Voting system:
- Every 5 votes = 5 Special Reward Chest (random reward)
- Vote manager - you can get vote reward just for you without waiting
- Champion Medals can be traded for Special Reward Chests.
Lifestones - Dropable from Tyrannos
- 1+1 augments (1active + 1passive / 1 chance)
- Nuker augements - 3 sec Reuse
- Chances: No grade: 3 %, Mid grade: 5 %, High grade: 10 %, Top grade stone: 15 %
Raid Bosses:
- Classic Raidbosses respawn - 20-24 hrs
- Barakiel respawn - 5-6Hrs (75lvl)
- Subclass RBs respawn - 5-6Hrs
Retail like - no more bugging Baium, Zaken, QA, no java like bugs
Core 20+1
Queen Ant 22+2 (Characters 49+ lvl cant across the river)
Orfen 26+2
Zaken 40+4
Frintezza 48+6
Baium 72+3
Antharas 96+3
Valakas 108+3
.menu - improved character settings
.buffmenu - you can disable unwanted active buffs
.blockbuff - turn on buff protection shield.
.droplist - you can check npc droplist (or shift +target)
.reportbot - you can report bot in to GMs*(more info in Forum)
Around 50 commands
Server Machine:
Procesor -Intel Xeon E3 1245v2 - 4/ 8 - 3.4 GHz+
Connection - 1 Gb/s
Unlimited DDos Protection