WorldofChaos2- un server de tip pvm easy cu level maxim alocat 120. Serverul prezinta sisteme old, dar si câteva sisteme noi pentru a-l face cât mai atractiv; de exemplu: switchbot, sistem pet, battlepass cu diverse premii, craft si multe altele!
WorldofChaos2- un server de tip pvm easy cu level maxim alocat 120. Serverul prezinta sisteme old, dar si câteva sisteme noi pentru a-l face cât mai atractiv; de exemplu: switchbot, sistem pet, battlepass cu diverse premii, craft si multe altele! Acesta va detine o mapa de crescut levelul (90-120), iar run-urile sunt cele clasice (catacombele, dt, dragon albastru, nemere.) Pe grupul de Discord al serverului se organizeaza saptamanal Giveaway-uri cu premii (Nitro Clasic sau Premium). Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare atat pe Discord cat si pe server.
WorldofChaos2- a pvm easy type server with a maximum assigned level of 120. The server features old systems, but also some new systems to make it as attractive as possible; for example: switchbot, pet system, battlepass with various prizes, craft and many others! He will have a map to increase the level (90-120), and the runs are the classic ones (catacombs, dt, blue dragon, nemere.) On the Discord group of the server weekly Giveaways with prizes are organized (Nitro Classic or Premium). We are waiting for you in large numbers both on Discord and on the server.