Runes of Horizon 2024

Welcome to Horizon Magic, 62 cap level. The future best Runes of Magic server, a new additional up level character, getting diamonds for quests, world bosses and dungeons. New bosses, new content, new stats... Improved titles, automatic level up rewards.

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Horizon Magic 62 cap

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The future best Runes of Magic server

Runes of Magic is a multiplayer role-playing game developed by Runewaker Entertainment of Taiwan. After an open beta test, the game was launched on March 19, 2009. The game is distributed on a free-to-play model: there is no subscription fee for access to the game, the client is distributed for free.

A new additional up level character,

Getting diamonds for quests,

World bosses and dungeons.

New bosses,

new content,

new stats...

Improved titles, automatic level up rewards.

⟪Server Rates⟫

х3 Exp
x3 TP

х3 Quest gold


⟪64Bit Crash-Free Client⟫