Lineage 2 private servers hosted in Lithuania
L2 top servers list hosted in Lithuania
Explore the best Lineage 2 private servers hosted in Lithuania. The vast Lineage 2 list provides adventurers with new challenges, features, and quests.
FREE PREMIUM ACCOUNT, CLAN REWARDS! Active anticheat! No bots! Rates: - Exp / Sp: x125 - Adena: x20 - Drop: x50 - Spoil: x50 - Seal Stone: x7 - Raid Boss: x10 - Quest: x5
EXP100 SP100 Adena 20 DropSpoil 10 Safe Enchant +3 Max Enchant: +12 Raid bosas: x1 Drop: X20
good custom pvp server come and playe
All players will get VIP FREE for 1 Day if they join within 4 hours of server start!