Lineage 2 private servers hosted in Netherlands
L2 top servers list hosted in Netherlands
Explore the best Lineage 2 private servers hosted in Netherlands. The vast Lineage 2 list provides adventurers with new challenges, features, and quests.
H5 PVP Craft Mid rate Rates : Xp 10 , SP 10 , Drop 5 , Spoil 5
WE GOT AUTO FARM Free Max Client/HWID = 5
L2Figma HighFive 8x Server GM Shop S Grade / ALT+B Buffs 2 hours Grand Opening 9th November @ 20:00 GMT +2 500€ Rewards for Clan Sieges Enchant: Safe +3 / Max +16 Anti DDos Strix Guard Auto Farm International #lineage2 community 35k+ Discord invitations running...