Metin2 Middleschool private servers
MT2 Middleschool top servers list
Explore the best Metin2 Middleschool private servers. The vast Metin2 Middleschool list provides adventurers with new challenges, features, and quests.
-Interational | Middleschool Level max 120 Daily updates Nice costumes/dungeons Balanced PvM & PvP High QoL Standard Unique Systems/Features Great Client Performance Details
-Представляем Вам приватный сервер по игре Metin2 с олдкусильным уклоном, который многие из вас так давно ждали. Подготовлено множество исправлений и обновлений! Все обновления проходят тестирования и отвечают канону игры. Details
-THOR is a server that many have been waiting for a very long time. It is a middle school server that nevertheless brings its own systems. Within a little more than 3 years of development, we can now announce that THOR will launch on 19.01.2024 Join Discord now, for the Presentation Details
-Anubis2 - PvM Mediu-Easy. Lv. 170+ - Newschool Presentation at: Details