Runes of Magic Chapter V private servers
ROM Chapter V top servers list
Explore the best Runes of Magic Chapter V private servers. The vast Runes of Magic Chapter V list provides adventurers with new challenges, features, and quests.
-🟢 Rewards for reaching level 80: 🟢 2,100 diamonds 🟢 LV 80, XP x7, TP x6, Loot x4, Gold x5 🟢 EN, DE, ES, PL, RU, FR, TR                       Details
-✅ The server will be opened on 29.07 at 15:00 German time! ✅ Level Cap 58 based on Chapter IV, ✅ XP x3, TP x3, Loot x3, Gold x5, ✅ Fast start 50/50, ✅ EN, DE, RU, FR, TR Details