Runes of Magic Chapter VII private servers
ROM Chapter VII top servers list
Explore the best Runes of Magic Chapter VII private servers. The vast Runes of Magic Chapter VII list provides adventurers with new challenges, features, and quests.
-🟢 Rewards for reaching level 80: 🟢 2,100 diamonds 🟢 LV 80, XP x7, TP x6, Loot x4, Gold x5 🟢 EN, DE, ES, PL, RU, FR, TR                       Details
-✅ The server will be opened on 29.07 at 15:00 German time! ✅ Level Cap 58 based on Chapter IV, ✅ XP x3, TP x3, Loot x3, Gold x5, ✅ Fast start 50/50, ✅ EN, DE, RU, FR, TR Details