Swordsman private servers
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Swordsman top servers list
Listing the best Swordsman private servers ranked by votes, version, type and country. Finding the perfect Swordsman private server has never been easier, whether you're seeking a nostalgic return to the early days or craving innovative custom content, this list has something for every player. Find the perfect server and embark on an epic new adventure today!
1One server Russian Players and International players Swordsman RATE x10 GOLD x10 QUEST x10 Free Sycee or Gold Details
2Best Swordsman Private Server Located in EU Mid rate x20 all PvE/PvP server Best Mall System with Vote for free Sycee Hardworking Staff Level Cap 100 Easy Items loot on Monsters New NPC that even Retail doesnt have 50 Times Bamboo everyday 50 Divinity Reset per day Details