L2mafia Rank System PvP ServeR

The First Interlude Rank System PvP Server In Lineage2 History!!! -Unique ranksytem countable kills-deaths-assists-Unique assist system-Unique mafia points system-Unique pvp spectate system-5 Ranks 5 Rank Zones-All Skills Working-Perfect Sieges And Olympiads-Develop to provide 24h non

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Opening: July 1 19:00 (+2 GMT) Server time: GMT +2 Official Links: â?ºSite: https://www.l2mafia.net/ â?ºForum : https://www.l2mafia....post_type=forum â?ºFaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/L2mafia.net After some time of inactivity we decided to come back , our players sent us toons of request to open a new pvp server again so they can move there . The fact that we running servers for more than 8 years without wipe makes us the most trustable lineage2 interlude servers around thats why players want a server to play and trust again. We love lineage2 so you do..... as all of us notice lineage2 is getting dead and mostly chronicles like interlude ( wich we love most) thats why i write this post today! We developed a new rank system l2j mod with great features unique playstyle (NO OTHER SERVER CAN EVEN TOUCH OUR FEAUTURES) to revive interlude servers and ofcurse to provide non stop pvp experience as we did in past with the stuck subs server and the k00fs vs n00bs . I can write all day about our server features the countable Kills-Deaths-Assists, our unique assist sytem, our promotion - demotion system, the rank zones and the 5 ranks but is a bit hard to explain everything in this forum so i will post our website links where you can see details about every single feature in our server. Please take a time to read our server features .... its worth cause we present you for first time in lineage2 history a server mod like that a server side custom server and not a fancy client mod custom server. GENERAL OVERVIEW -> https://www.l2mafia....neral-overview/ Rates And Drops -> https://www.l2mafia....ates-and-drops/ PvP Cancellation System -> https://www.l2mafia.net/we-hate-cc/ Raid Bosses -> https://www.l2mafia.net/raid-bosses/ Custom Items -> https://www.l2mafia.net/custom-items/ Voice Comands -> https://www.l2mafia.net/rank-system/ Custom Npcs -> https://www.l2mafia.net/custom-npcs/ Events -> https://www.l2mafia.net/events/ Rank System Intro -> https://www.l2mafia.net/rank-system-2/ Killing Spree System -> https://www.l2mafia....g-spree-system/ Assist System -> https://www.l2mafia.net/assist-system/ Rank Area Drops -> https://www.l2mafia....reas-and-drops/ Live Zone Status - Spectator System -> https://www.l2mafia....ectator-system/ PS: please before posting read our rank system features ..... there are some systems that counts kills but our system is nothing like that , we have ratio system that calculates your rank depending on your kills , your deaths and assists ! all of them our countable and can be seen ingame .... our whole server based on that system and the rank zones where the system "works"