Mu Argus medium 25x NON-PAY TO WIN

Server Medium 25x Drop 35% [General] Max Stats 65k Reset limit 200 Spots 6 mobs [Hot 7] Buffers NPC 220 3 IPs Por account Resetlvl 400 ResetsPoints 400 Max Stats 65k /Offattack On Banco de joyas/Bank of jewels ON Ventana de ventas / Trade windows ON Autoparty /re auto /store ON

Game Versions
Game Types
????SERVIDORES EXTREMELY HARD NON-PAY TO WIN???? Version Season 6 E3 Server Medium 25x Drop 35% [General] Max Stats 65k Reset limit 200 Spots 6 mobs [Hot 7] Buffers NPC 220 3 IPs Por account Resetlvl 400 Cost 500.000.000 ResetsPoints 400 Max Stats 65k /Offattack On Banco de joyas/Bank of jewels ON Ventana de ventas / Trade windows ON Autoparty /re auto /store ON Informacion detallada ingresa al foro! / for more information visit our forum MIX